High-level welcome ceremonies show Sino-British relations" importance

2015-10-21 15:33:43 [来源:央视网] [责编:蒋俊]

  Comments by Xu Xiujun, associate researcher with the Institute of World Economy and Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; comics drawn by Song Chen

  A ceremonial welcome held by British Queen Elizabeth II for Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan was held on October 20, On the beautiful day, there were 103 rounds of gun-fire salutes.

High -level welcome ceremonies show Sino-British relations

  High -level welcome ceremonies show Sino-British relations' importance.

  Afterwards, Xi Jinping and his wife had accompanied the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh in a royal carriage procession to Buckingham Palace. They attended a luncheon hosted by the Queen.

  In the Afternoon, Xi delivered a speech in the Royal Gallery of the British Parliament. He and his wife later visited the Art Institute of tradition, joined by Prince William and his wife, the two couples drank tea.

  In the evening, Xi and his wife attended a grand state banquet held by the Queen at Buckingham Palace. Global media outlets said the British royal family has greeted the Chinese leader with the highest level of diplomatic courtesy.

  The British royal family, its government and citizens support stronger Sino-British relations. The United Kingdom hopes to deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership of the two coutnries.

  Gun salutes on the Thames River in Great Britain had opened a prelude to Xi’s arrival. Red carpets in Buckingham Palace symbolize a solid groundwork for bilateral relations. Sino-British cooperation is bound to promote world peace, stability and prosperity.

  ( The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Panview or CCTV.com. )

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